February, 2018-
We are fresh off our attendance of the AMI Refresher Course Conference in Phoenix and had great conversations and connections while there! I can’t believe its been over 2 months that we met in Alexandria to present TMN with the Montessori Leaders Collaborative! We continue to make progress and of course it is slow at times as we manage those little things called full time jobs but progress regardless. I heard many positives about Trust For Learning and the progress that has been made bringing together AMI, AMS. The Trust For Learning and Montessori Leaders Collaborative hired Neimand Collaborative to conduct extensive research regarding Montessori. They concluded a year long research project that basically states everyone wants Montessori education they just don’t connect Montessori terminology with what they want! Also, that teachers are the lead point of contact and should be the ambassadors to the parents. Rich’s message to the AMI folks at the closing keynote was fantastic. And Lynne Lawrence pushed everyone to weigh in on how they can help the bold goals cause…so timing continues to be right for The Montessori Network! Also, all of these findings and bold goals will be made available when the AMI folks send out info packet following the conference. UPDATES - Summary
At this point we are confident that the concept and idea of TMN is good based on reactions from MLC et al. The relationships we are building are key in this entire process. I’ve mentioned this to everyone that the setup (We run it, Montessori Organizes it) can be discussed and shaped as we see fit. The goal is to help Montessori by giving teachers more tools to help them and establish the coordinated communication effort!
TMN Update- December 2017
For all of you that have been a part of this journey by supporting the idea, connecting us with other Montessorians or cheering us on, I wanted to give everyone an update after a very successful MACTE conference and meeting with the Montessori Leaders Collaborative in Alexandria, Virginia! A brief look back at this past summer’s notables… Summer 2017 Highlights
After those calls over the summer we processed the feedback, tweaked and refined the Montessori Network proposal. A few highlights:
These are the headlines and takeaways from attending the MACTE conference and the MLC meeting/Q&A/feedback session:
As I’ve mentioned before these topics are much more enjoyable to discuss in person over spirits of choice but the steps we made over the past few weeks have been significant! Very exciting to say the least with lots more work to be done! Any and all suggestions or feedback is encouraged! Hope everyone has a great holiday! |
Author- Tom Cavanaugh
Entrepreneurial television production executive with over 25 years of experience developing and managing nationally televised broadcasts, assembling staff and creating content for multi-platform digital distribution. Generates and oversees original documentary, live-event, news, web, mobile and social media programming. A dynamic and hands-on manager with diverse skills in all aspects of channel, network and programming initiatives, innovative management, planning, execution, strategy and growth ArchivesCategories |